February 02, 2011


A couple of weeks ago the doctors found a cyst on one of my mom's ovaries and last Wednesday they discovered that her cancer fighting levels were up very high and this could be a sign that the cyst could possibly be cancerous. Ever since people have been found out our family has been overwhelmed with love, prayers, & kindness! On Sunday morning as our family went to the altar to pray we had so many friends come up to pray with us it was absolutely amazing and I just wanted to say we are so grateful for everything everyone is doing for us :) today my mom, dad, mawmaw, & pawpaw traveled UAB to meet with a surgeon to plan a course of action. The plan is whether it is cancerous or not they have scheduled surgery for Monday at 10AM to remove the cyst and her ovaries as a precaution. The doctor believes that the surgery will take care of the problem because the cyst seems to be contained and has not spread. Please keep sending prayer and love our way as we make it through these days! Thank you :)

With a grateful heart,
XaNdRa :)