1. Do you like to write? Not Really Except When I Blog:D
2. Favorite books? Christy Miller Series!!!
3. Do you compose music/write songs? Yes, NO!!!! I Have Tried But I Can't
4. Do you like poetry? Kinda It's Not My Favorite Though.
5. Love someone so much it made you cry? My Comfort My Savior,Lord There Is None Like You!!!
6. Broken a bone? Never!
7.Been in a police car? Nope, Nope!
8.Been on a boat? Yes!!!
9.Fallen asleep in school? All the time ( in homeschool that is :)
10. Did you sing today? DUH!!! It's Me!!!!
11.KFC, Popeyes, or Church's? KFC !!
12.Chick-fil-a or What-a-burger? Chick-fil-a!!!! YUM
13.Starbucks of McCafe? Starbucks, Love Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14.What's your favorite time of year? Spring and Fall
15.Do you ever talk to yourself? All The Time
16.Do you have a favorite treat you like to buy on occasion? Reasons!!!!!! :DDDDDDD
17. Do you believe the Bible is the literal Word of God and is infallible? Yes!! Without a doubt!
18. What's your favorite sport? VOLLEYBALL!!! :D
19. What color is your iPod? I Don't Have One :(
20. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Hawaii!
21.If you could go to any fictional place, where would you go? Narnia
22.Do you love to write or do you just like writing? Or do you write at all? I Don't Write At All Except For School
23.What do you want to be when you’re a grown up? Whatever God has planned for Me! :) But If I Had My Choice A Childrens Minister Or Interior Designer
24.Favorite animal? MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25. Favorite song? I Like A Lot Of Songs But My Favorite Right Now Would Be, Christian, Marvalous Light By Charlie Hall!! and Non-Christian,Down By Jay Sean and Lil' Wayne!!!!!!!!!!!
26.Do you like school? NO!
27.Are you a people person? When It's People I Know When It's People I Don't Know I'm Usally Shy!
28. Do you like to talk? Yes, all the time :D
29.Favorite food? Probably My PawPaw's Lasagna!! So Yummy But Favorite Restraunt Is Taco Casa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
30.Hobbies? Reading, SINGING, Volleyball, Blogging, Hanging Out With Friends!!
31.Favorite author? Robin Jones Gunn!!!!!!
32. Favorite weapon? A Sling shot Because That Is What David Used Against Goliath
33.Is this a fun tag or are you getting bored? Fun, though a little long :D
34.Do you like Hannah Montana and all those girly people and movies like Highschool Musical? Well I Like The Hannah Montana Movie But I Hate High School Musical
35.What are you scared of? Sharks
36. Favorite flower? Yellow Rose!!!!!!!
37.What is the expression on your face? Mad (at my little brother)
38. Color of your eyes? BLUE, Green, Gold!
That's a pretty long list Xandra! I started following your blog about a week ago. I'm 15 and live in washington, so we don't have whataburgers or chick-fil-as here. May the peace of Jesus be with you this Christmas! :)
WOW! I haven't kept up with my blog well. haha! I am 15 now...about to turn 16! We don't have whataburgers..just chick-fil-a's.